class RubensTechCorner(object)

Welcome to the inaugural post on Ruben’s Tech Corner, an unoriginal name for hopefully some original ideas. You can see now why I’m not in charge of marketing.

My name is Ruben Schade, at least the last time I checked. I’ve worked at OrionVM for almost a decade, and have worn many hats in the business, figuratively and otherwise. Thesedays I refill the coffee machine, and when I get time, help the sales team translate client business requirements into cloud solutions, navigate migrations, build our documentation, and liaise with engineering.

On this blog I’ll be posting about industry trends around cloud computing and emerging tech, as well as surfacing some of the cool stuff the engineers are working on that I think you’ll find fascinating. A lot happens behind the scenes to keep a cloud business ticking, as well as keeping one’s lead in the industry.

OrionVM is such a cool place, and we’re doing stuff nobody else is. Join me on the blog as I dive in these and other topics. In the words of Douglas Adams, bring a towel!